EM4C (Engineering Materials for Construction) was established in 2012 to provide specialized products and advanced solutions for the construction, repair, maintenance, structural strengthening, and energy upgrade for building and infrastructure projects, both modern and historical, with high expertise and excellent technical support.
EM4C offers innovative products and building systems that guarantee optimal, permanent and cost effective solutions to construction needs and problems, in a range of structural elements such as reinforced concrete, masonry, steel and wood. All products are tested, certified by recognized laboratories, compliant with the strictest European and International Standards and affix the European CE marking.
EM4C ‘s vision is to contribute dynamically to the structural, seismic and energy upgrade of the general building and infrastructure industry projects, existing and new, modern and historic, considering aesthetic and environmental criteria centered on respect for the people and the environment.EM4Cvision is to contribute dynamically to the structural, seismic and energy upgrade of the general building and infrastructure industry projects, existing and new, modern and historic, considering aesthetic and environmental criteria centered on respect for the people and the environment.
Our philosophy in EM4C is based on continuous search and the optimal selection of innovative and high quality products and structural systems, in order to provide them with the best level of service. Having Customer satisfaction as our main priority, qualified technical personnel are able to offer high quality and low cost solutions, which can be achieved through the new construction technologies we provide. We seek to build long lasting and mutually beneficial cooperation with customers and partners, with products that add value to buildings and structures, having low implementation cost, low maintenance cost and durability.

EM4C is a new, modern company that relies on specialized technical staff, properly trained, with long experience in the field of construction.
Our engineers in collaboration with designers, project contractors and builder teams have the ability to offer and suggest all-inclusive technical services related to both, materials and certified structural building systems that we represent, providing unique solutions during the design and the construction stage. Our engineers can undertake problem assessment, design and quantity estimations of products and structural systems, supervision during installation and provide certification upon delivery.
Our goal is to provide the ultimate, most efficient and cost effective solution without compromising quality as well as to provide excellent customer support for the proper application of products and structural systems.
The main priority of our Technical Support Department is to offer expertise for integrated and innovative solutions to problems concerning modern or historic building and infrastructure industry projects. The Technical Support Department organizes and conducts technical seminars for proper application of our products and building systems together with innovative and unique examples of available technical solutions.
Along with the training EM4C offers support software for calculation and design of products and structural systems.
The cornerstone of EM4C‘s entrepreneurship is the selection of companies that could be represented in the Greek market which are based in innovation, quality, economy, constant research and creativity for integrated building products and systems that do not follow the simple traditional methods but the future as required by economic, technological and environmental needs of the global market.
The companies represented by EM4C are a guarantee of sustainable productivity and flexibility in production for fast and excellent customer service.
The long lasting experience of ATRIA – AZICHEM – BIEMME – DIASEN – DRACO – STATICAL etc. in USA and Europe combined with the constant training and excellent guidance provided to our engineers is the best guarantee for the quality and reliability of our services with the use of innovative materials and integrated structural systems that provide comprehensive and economical solutions in a variety of problems related to construction and infrastructure industry.
Corporate Social Responsibility
In the context of corporate social responsibility, EM4C is trying to protect the environment by providing recyclable products, where quality, design and production process meets the requirements of Leed ( Leadership Energy and Environmental Design ) specifications as required by the GBC (Green Building Council Italia). Many of the innovative products provide solutions to difficult applications and avoiding tools and machinery, in addition all products are packed in fully recyclable packaging paper.